
Friday Sep 18, 2020
S&M 2 - Metallica
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
In our first episode in a WHILE, Weezee and Slammy deviate from the Nirvana talk and go straight into a post-first-listen of Metallica's second S&M release.

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Nevermind: The Butch Vig Effect - Nirvana
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
In this (very late) episode, Weezee and Slammy podcast from newly founded Wet Bandits Studios to discuss Butch Vig's influence on Nirvana's sophomore effort, Nevermind. The boys covered this one long ago, so this episode focuses on how each song on Nevermind might be different had it been produced by someone else. It's a weird episode, but we hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Bleach - Nirvana
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
In this episode in which Slammy lets Weezee--and you, the listener--down by not waking up in time to record, the podcasters kick off their Nirvana discography with Bleach. Harder and darker than you typically think of Nirvana, Bleach is a sign of things to come. Good songwriting, good melodies, good hooks. Sloppy drums, loose band, under-produced. Whether intentional or otherwise, this offering doesn't live up to what Nevermind would become, but you can certainly see the roots that would become the foundation of what Nevermind was and is.

Tuesday May 19, 2020
Weezer Wrap-Up Episode!
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Would you like to hear what it sounds like for a podcast to lose all sense of direction and meaning!? Have you ever thought to yourself, "I bet there's, objectively, a 'worst podcast episode ever' out there somewhere!" Well, you're right, there is. And you've found it.
The delay of Weezer's Van Weezer album forced a little improv on our part, and that improv proved to had some bad audio so we had to do it AGAIN very close to the day this ep was due. So--we give you our Weezer wrap-up episode--complete with discussion of The Last Dance and the current COVID-19 climate.

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Black Album - Weezer w/Seth Westfall
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
This episode features two Beer Mile greats (Slammy and special guest, Seth Westfall) and one Beer Mile "ain't" (Weezee, obviously)talking Weezer's most recent full-length release: their "Black Album".
With some hip-hop sensibilities, but slightly darker lyrical tone, this is one of Weezer's most divisive releases yet.

Tuesday May 05, 2020
Weezer (Teal Album) - Weezer
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
In this episode, our heroes cover Weezer's Teal Album--an all-covers offering that gives a lot of new fans something to get excited about, but might leave some Weezer fans looking for, well, just some new material. Their cover of Toto's "Africa" is a huge hit, but nothing else really caught on nationally. Beyond that, the boys compare each Weezer album to Star Wars films, and create the perfect opener and closer for their own covers album.

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Pacific Daydream - Weezer
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
This episode has everything--Weezee talkin' smack about his neighbors, Slammy havin' dreams about playing in KISS, MORE time travel, and (best of all?)a nice, tight sub-50 minute run time!
Also the two talk about Weezer's Pacific Daydream.

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
White Album - Weezer w/Corrinne Ward
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
It's what you've been waiting for, #fandits! Weezee's wife is back to co-host with your two heroes and this week they're talking about Weezer's self-titled "White Album".
Poppy, catchy, and authentic Weezer by most measures, this episode features a lot of firsts--including the first time in a three-host episode that all three hosts choose the same hidden gem!

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Everything Will Be Alright In The End - Weezer
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
In this episode (that BEGINS with time travel!), Weezee and Slammy get into ANOTHER Weezer comeback album. This time, it's a return to their "roots"--in a manner of speaking--with their 9th (or 10th, depending on your perspective) full-length release.
Whatever your opinion on the album, it seems most can agree that this is, in some way, a refresher for Weezer after a couple of pop-laden releases that preceded this. Give it a listen, see what you think!

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Hurley/Death To False Metal - Weezer
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
In this two-for-one episode, Weezee and Slammy try their first episode via ZOOM meeting, as the Coronavirus becomes more and more present in everyone's lives (recorded 3/29/20). In this ep, the two discuss Weezer's Hurley AND Death To False Metal.
Released just about two months apart, Hurley was Weezer's eighth studio release and DTFM was intended as a collection of B-sides and demos--but Rivers Cuomo himself deemed "Weezer's 9th studio album". Whatever the case, they both have their merits, and make for an interesting juxtaposition for a couple of albums by the same band released so close together.